About Me

Hi, I'm Dimitri Steiner

I work as a financial analyst and lead a small team for an investment management company. You can visit my LinkedIn profile for more information about my professional background.


šŸ‘Ŗ Family

My Family is the most important thing in my life. They are the source of my self-esteem, my anchor, providing me all I need in life. They are the reason why I'm constantly developing and trying to become the best version of myself.

I recently became a father of a cute little girl. I'm a bit anxious, but more so extremly excited about the experiences I'm going to make and the challenges I'm going to face.

šŸ§  Reading/Learning

Learning is not something that stops after getting an university degree, it should be a lifelong journey, exploring and understanding the world around us, having new insights and satisfying the thirst for knowledge and our curiosity.

Personal Knowledge Management (a.k.a. PKM) is an important topic for me and I'll write some blog posts about the ways I structure, organize and grow my knowledge.

I'm a book addict, I devour everything I can get my hands on about every topic one can imagine, from gardening to parenting, from Harry Potter to Game of Thrones.

šŸ’ø Financial Independence/Retire Early a.k.a. FIRE

Around 2019 I stumbled across the topics of financial independence and early retirement, a movement shortly called FIRE. I got hooked immediately, this concept heavily resonates with me and my values. I've been frugal for my whole life, probably because I've been taught this way of living from my parents.

Retiring Early is one of my most important goals and I'm trying out many new things to reduce my spendings, increase my income and optimize my investments.

šŸš€ Productivity

I'm a huge fan of productivity (and my boss is probably a fan of me being a fan of it). I always try to find new ways to optimize my workflows and automate as many things as possible, at work, as well as in my personal life. Being productive allows me to spend my time more efficiently and in return have more time for the things I'm passionate about.

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» Technology

I've always been a geek. It all started when we got our first PC at home at around 2001 (I was 10 years old at this time). I was fascinated by the possibilities that this device offered and quickly started to read everything I could find about how computers work, on the hardware and on the software side. At 12 years old, I built my first own computer and over the years I built many systems for my friends and family, saving them a lot of money compared to a pre-built solution.

Nowadays I'm more interested in the software side, programming to automate things, testing out new tools to optimize my workflows and learning to better understand software development.

šŸ• Dogs

A few months before the global pandemic started, we got our first dog, a Labrador Retriever called Baghira. Humans don't deserve dogs, they are so loyal, always by your side, the most true companion you can have in your life.

We like to explore new ways to foster the skills of our dog. We use toys that requires some thinking from our dog, do a lot of retrieving exercises and also started man-trailing (letting the dog find persons based on their smell).

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³ Cooking/Eating

I just love eating good food. Eating out is expensive, not always feasible with a small child at home and there's always the possibility that the food is not my taste. I cook a lot at home to save money, improve my skillset and hoepfully one day teach my daughter to do the same. In addition I love to invite friends and cook a nice dinner together.

I'm cooking food from all around the world, but my preference is clearly Italian food (my wife is Italian), it's simple but pure and delicious.

Get in Touch

You can contact me through E-Mail at me@dimitristeiner.com or with a PM on my LinkedIn profile.